Host & Founder: Interior design expert Kelee Katillac has spent over twenty years transforming homes and lives. She is a leader in holistic design and has pioneered color therapy. Katillac has been a guest on CNN, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Discovery Channel, Pure Oxygen, The Family Network and many others. Katillac's work has been featured in the pages of USA Today, House Beautiful, Better Homes & Gardens, Designer Builder, Country Home, Body & Soul, The Utne Reader and hundreds of other publications worldwide. In addition, she is the author of two award-winning books including House of Belief: Creating Your Personal Style and Kids' Rooms for Believing & Belonging. Katillac founded Design Gives Back to help those in-need -- or critically ill -- to have furnished, functional, and hope-filled homes. She has been the national director for Habitat for Humanity's House of Belief DIY Workshop Series, and is currently the Inspired Home Expert for Guideposts: America's #1 Inspirational Magazine.
"The remarkable story of a woman who says your home should be more than a place that stores your things...but a place where your child feels loved and supported, and a place that reflects who they are and who they want to be.”... Kelee Katillac... House of Belief... its beautiful."
~ Oprah Winfrey
Television Production: Design Gives Back Media includes talent and experience from director Sam Sullivant. He has worked on productions for The Oprah Winfrey Show, Extreme Home Makeover, American Idol and others. His corporate video resume includes Ford, Hallmark, Applebees, McDonalds, and Colgate, to name just a few. Sullivant brings cutting-edge technical skills and a warm story- telling perspective to lead our video production team.
Fundraising Council: Fund development and charitable oversight is an important part of our projects and our team members from Pelofsky and Associates are responsible for these tasks. Lisa Pelofsky is the President and CEO of the company and heads all fundraising efforts for Miracle Makeovertm projects. Pelofsky and Associates has been providing fundraising consultation and counsel for over 20 years. The firm manages capital campaigns, annual giving efforts, special events and other fundraising activities. They have raised funds for many worthy causes and are experts in the area of healthcare related services. Pelofsky has worked with celebrities such as Magic Johnson, Sally Field, Mary Tyler Moore, Betty White, Nick Cannon, Johnny Damon and many others.