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Joni Cobb

Happy Thanksgiving Kelee & team! Gratitude for Colette too!Beautiful saying.



I have loved your videos and stories. Thank-you for taking design to a new level. Why don't you have the videos on television? Please and praying that you do! We love you! Do you remember when you bought all those ginghams form me? on Mission Drive...Roeland Park.

HUGS & Happy Thanksgiving from your friends

Steph B.

I needed this affirmation. Notice how what we need seems to show-up right on time?

Kelee Katillac


Of course I remember all that gingham! Love to you and everyone at Hobby Lobby!
One of my favorite destinations. And, down at corporate too in Oklahoma City. Thanks for your support on the materials side of Design Gives Back.

Best to All, Kelee


Thank you for reminding us of this lady and the cause. They do great work for needy patients.


Hi Kelee...I do remember Colette and am so happy to hear she's doing well. that's the best news ever. You are using your life to bring so much hope


Hi Kellee...I do remember Colette and am so happy she's doing so well. That's the best. And you're using your life to bring so much hope to others


I remember Colette and the lovely room you did for her was a wonderful place for her to heal. I am a nurse and I know that a positive and pretty enviornment can do so much for the mind, body and spirit! Kelee you are such a wonderful ambassador of that! I'm grateful for many things this Thanksgiving!!

Miss Bloomers


Beautiful post! Blessings on you and the good things you do for others! Happy Thanksgiving week!

Cindy Adkins

Oh what a great idea, Kelee!! Happy Thanksgiving to you!!! I also wanted to tell you that I have a new book out on Amazon--It's called "Angels at My Door" and it is about heavenly encounters and is a real pick-me-up!


I am going to this right away! I wonder what colour my heart will show me.
Enjoy a Blessed Thanksgiving...each and every one of you!


What a blessed post...I do agree postive feedback into our own heart and minds...I've done this and it really makes me feel better,stronger, happier...
Wonderful job you've done,great post!!!
Happy pink Saturday

Raw Thoughts And Feelings

Thanksgiving is a time for me to reflect and give thanks to all that God has giving me, and hope to stay humble to recognize others who are in needs.

Desi Jane & Todd

This is a great idea for moving past just thoughts into actions. Actions make things happen.
Thank-you for another simple great idea Kellee! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Design Gives Back.

Jenny's Heart

I am going to try your project tonight. Thanks for the idea.
Happy Thanksgiving. I am grateful for you ;)


Thank you for your encouragement, Kelee. I like the coloring idea. I know Colette will be eternally grateful for all you have done for her, as will Charlie and many others.


How beautiful! Your words have such a kindness behind them. It was soothing to me just to visit.

May your Thanksgiving be blessed.

Rhonda Carter

Great concept Kelee, I think we will do this at the table on Thursday.The kids should like it too. Thanks for all the inspiration!


Hello Kelee, Thank you for your PS visit. We are out of town and we traveled on Saturday. I am belated in my visits.

Your post is an inspiration as always. You are a lovely person who cares for the world. I truly admire what you do.
Blessings to you and yours and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

XO, Jeanne

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