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Susie Jefferson

What a lovely idea, and how kind to give the recipe as well. Must give this a try. Happy Pink Saturday from the UK!

Joni Cobb

Beautiful photos and herbs Kelee! I garden like you do... the best I can.

Kimmy W.

Hello Kelee,

Thank-you for sharing something from your garden and home. I think there si nothing more special than growing food for oneself. The cycle of life does teach us a lot to contemplate and learn from too. The basil and lavander are so pretty and fragrant too.

Thanks for sharing!

:) Kimmy


Hi Kelee Sweetie...
What a gorgeous share today. I too have lavender in bloom. I just can't bring myself to cut on it. I am to happy seeing it bloom in the garden right now.

I have never tried making my own potpourri. I can't thank you enough for the wonderful share sweetie.

Hope you are well. I think of you often sweet friend. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

Beverley Collins

hopped on over from Pink Saturday. Thank you for this tutorial. I'm wondering where to get orris root in the US? (I made an orange and clove pomander last year and without the orris root it does smell a little odd...like mouldy orange even though it dried out perfectly, )In the UK, I'd just buy it at an old fashioned chemists, but I can't find it here. Anyone any ideas?


Hi Kelee! I love and grow herbs and lavender..what a great gift idea to share with neighbors and friends!! Thanks for your sweet visit. Mr. T has been in our yard for about 5 years...my hubbie says he's probably been around much longer! I worry about him every winter and then in the spring he makes an appearance!
Miss Bloomers

Beverley Collins

Oh! Thank you for popping over and your kind comment and yes, I really ought to use my internet more for shopping.It would be easier on the gas mileage! I'll go google it at once! Thank you

Trudy @ home design.com

Hi Design Team:

I am very interested in volunteering. Can you let me know how to proceed?
Love this site, your videos and ideas!

Best, Tru

Kelee Katillac

Hi Trudy! We wil indeed send you an applicatio via email. Thank-you for your interest and having a heart for "giving back"... love, kelee

herbal incense

Herb harvesting is kind of interesting thing.
I like growing herbs in my garden..by this you get a chance to use fresh herbs in your diet.

Beverley Collins

Thank you so much for the link for orris root. I really appreciate your taking the time to add it to this post.

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