One of the profound messages of Kelee Katillac's book, Kids' Sacred Places: Rooms for Believing & Belonging, is that bullies should be barred from entry into kid's homes via cyber-bullying (the internet) and cell phones. She acknowledges that while that isn't easy, kids need to feel safe in a space that is their own and free of cyber-assault. In the book, bullied kids -- and those experiencing other life issues -- take back their power and create self-esteem through the therapeutic art and design projects. "A bedroom can become a safe zone, or haven, in which to create and believe," said Katillac, in a CNN interview.
PROJECT: "Re-upholstering ME" Jessica took an old chair, fixed-it-up and covered it with affirmations. She has grown-up to become an advocate for fairness: Jessica is now in law school.
Pablo, age 10, was the new kid at school. He soon became the target of merciless bullying. When Monday rolled around, he became physically sick at the thought of what was to come at school that day. Soon, he sank into depression. Life almost didn't seem worth living. That is when Katillac helped him to create a safe zone. Pablo focused on his goals and dreams; the things he was good at and the observations he had made about his life. The art projects helped him to express his pain and paint - it- over with hope. Today, nine years later, he is a thriving creative young man with many friends.
"The book is a great resource for adults who want to help kids and also learn something about themselves in the process. " Christine Hillila, PH.D.
"It is the experience of creation, and the experience can certainly help people. Any time a family, a mom, a dad, a kid gets a chance to express themselves through art -it is a good thing!" Michelle Bethune, Vice President, Arizona Chapter of American Art Therapists
"Kelee has been a healthy co-participant in helping others actualize their goals and realize their dreams. In over 30 years as an art therapist, I've discovered that both children and adults need help in learning to validate their identity --they can't do it alone." Dr. Avis Garrett-Baptiste, PH.D., ATR, art therapy pioneer
Watch Katillac help a boy with cancer in this Miracle Makeover video. And another here.
FREE copies of Kids' Sacred Places for those-in-need until May 25, 2012.
For more information on art therapy visit The Art Therapy Blog.
DGB Team Post Photos Copyright Roy Inman