Jeff Bailey presented a $2,000 scholarship check to Karen Long, winner of the Bill and June Bailey Memorial Design Scholarship at Johnson County Community College. Kelee Katillac, Design Gives Back, judged the annual competition. The event is in honor of Katillac's mentors, the late Bill and June Bailey, leaders in the Kansas City design community and founders of KC's oldest showroom, Bailey Design Group. Jeff Bailey carries on the tradition, bringing top-shelf design products to KC.
Bailey also teaches a class on the "business of interior design" at JCCC. Students participated in a charrette, an intensive and marathon design session from which design concepts and design boards were created. Katillac was the juror for the design presentations. Design Gives Back then added a second place scholarship award, to honor the abundant talent. The Bailey scholarship is one of several awarded at the Jack Harris breakfast.
Kobra Jones, won the runner-up for the Bailey scholarship. JCCC has one of the premier two-year design programs in the country, with an emphasis in green and sustainable design. Also, there is an annual give-back project. The faculty at JCCC is exciting and inspiring. Design students from JCCC leave well prepared for the industry.
The JCCC design faculty includes, back row, left to right, Gretchen Brandt, Darla Green, Jan Cummings, and Jeff Bailey. Center stage are Bobanne Kalfofen and Jo Randolphe. In the front row, are Dalene Erwin and Ruth Siress.